I posted one or two – or many more – jokes last week that had a Christmas theme, but now that we have had Christmas and a few more have appeared, here are a few more Christmas Cracker jokes for you, which as always, may not be particularly original, or even that funny for that… Continue reading More Christmas Cracker Jokes
Category: 2013
Christmas Cracker Jokes
As it’s the 20th December, it seems that there is only one topic that would be appropriate for this week’s puns and one-liners, and that is, of course, Christmas Cracker jokes. I know that this list normally comes with the health warning that they are not particularly funny or original, and that is especially true… Continue reading Christmas Cracker Jokes
Christmas Jumper Jokes
For those who are not aware, today is National Christmas Jumper Day (yes, there is such a thing), so it seems appropriate that the theme this week for the collection of puns and one-liners should be jumper jokes. Just like all good Christmas pullovers, most of these are not particularly original or funny. It may… Continue reading Christmas Jumper Jokes
Dessert Jokes
With one-liners on food and restaurants in recent weeks, desserts – as in cakes, not as in sand – seems to be the next logical topic, so please do enjoy. They come with the normal guarantee of unoriginality and unfunniness…. I saw a white, fluffy thing swinging through my local cake shop.… Continue reading Dessert Jokes
Restaurant Jokes
After last week’s food jokes, the topic this week is restaurant jokes, which as normal, come with no guarantee of being funny or original. In fact quite the opposite. I hope you enjoy them… Out for dinner last night, I ordered from The Specials menu. Think I had Too Much Fu Yung. Went to a… Continue reading Restaurant Jokes
Food jokes
This week’s topic of jokes for a Friday is food, always a popular choice, at least with me. As normal, these food jokes may not be your “cup of tea”, and don’t expect too much originality or them to be that funny… I had a pelican curry the other day. It tasted… Continue reading Food jokes
Dentist Jokes
The topic of this week’s bad jokes is dentists and dentistry, so if you like dentist jokes, keep reading. As usual, don’t expect any of them to be particularly original or funny… A friend of mine won Dentist of the Year, and all he got was a little plaque. Dentistry can… Continue reading Dentist Jokes
Music Jokes
Following a request at a train station yesterday evening (really!), this week’s collection of not that funny or original puns and one liners is on the theme of music jokes…. U2’s first few albums have been remastered without the guitars on them. It certainly takes the Edge off them. When The… Continue reading Music Jokes
Halloween Jokes
It’s 1st November, or All Saints’ Day, meaning that yesterday was Hallowe’en, so here are a few unoriginal and not that funny Halloween jokes that may give you more of a fright than a laugh… I’ve noticed that ghosts in lifts always seem to be happy. I think it raises the spirits.… Continue reading Halloween Jokes
More Career Jokes
This week’s joke theme is jobs, following on from this page, so here are some more career jokes for you. Don’t expect too much originality or hilarity… I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest. Quite difficult to get a job at Citroen. Had to send them 2… Continue reading More Career Jokes