Alphabet Jokes

I used to wonder what font was used for the letters in Alphabet Soup, turns out it's Times New Ramen.
I used to wonder what font was used for the letters in Alphabet Soup, turns out it's Times New Ramen.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Alphabet Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Consonant please. Now a vowel. And another consonant. Alphabeti Spaghetti can take a long time to serve in my house.

I’ve invented alphabet butter. Now just need to spread the word.

Someone asked me what the ninth letter of the alphabet was. Took a guess but turns out I was right.

A sailor eating alphabet soup found the seven Cs.

How many letters are in the Christmas alphabet? Twenty Five. There’s “no L”…

Was cooking some alphabetti spaghetti and almost dropped the saucepan. That could have spelled disaster.

My friend told me he didn’t think he’d like alphabet soup, but turns out he does. Now he’s going to eat his words.

My friend’s got watery knowledge of the alphabet. He only knows H to O.

I used to wonder what font was used for the letters in Alphabet Soup, turns out it’s Times New Ramen.

Thought I had a bowl of tomato sauce, turns out it was alphabetti spaghetti and I got all the spaces.

If you like these alphabet jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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