Frog Jokes

What creature do you need to park in a restricted area? Permit The Frog.

It was pointed out to me this week that there was no specific page on frog jokes here, so I thought that it was time to remedy that, so here some that come with no guarantee of originality of funniness….       When I was at the zoo, I saw something like a frog… Continue reading Frog Jokes

Television Jokes

Saw a 70s television programme about two detectives who solve crimes over the phone. Star Key and Hash.

The topic for this week’s puns and one liners is television jokes. Here they are, with the normal no guarantee of funniness or originality…  Although thankfully there aren’t too many repeats on this.       You never see King Edwards or Jersey Royals presenting sport on TV. Only Common Taters.   What does Dr… Continue reading Television Jokes

Spring Jokes

I have a pogo stick made out of vegetables. It's a spring onion.

After a wet start to last weekend, the weather changed and by Easter Monday the sun was shining, which has continued this week, so it seems as good a time as any to have some spring jokes. I hope these bring you some sunshine, but it is unlikely that they will bring you too much… Continue reading Spring Jokes

Egg Jokes

A chicken and an egg walk into a bar.  The barman says, "Who's first?"

It’s Easter this weekend, so it seems as a good a time as any to have some egg jokes. Now, eggs give plenty of opportunities for puns, so this could be a long list… The only things missing are probably hilarity and originality…     Where’s the best place to find out about eggs? In… Continue reading Egg Jokes