Licence Jokes

I used to always go the extra mile. That's why I lost my taxi driving licence.
I used to always go the extra mile. That's why I lost my taxi driving licence.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Licence Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Found out recently that James Bond is a big fan of pottery. He’s even got a licence to kiln.

Do you need a current licence to drive an electric car?

I used to always go the extra mile. That’s why I lost my taxi driving licence.

Joined my local off licence’s book club. We’re reading Tequilla Mockingbird.

Turns out I need to lose weight to get my pilot’s licence. Chocs away!

I got my fork lift licence recently. Makes eating dinner much easier.

Got my driving licence early. I’ve always been driven.

What do you do when an amphibian asks if his licence is valid? Permit the frog.

Technically bees can’t fly. None of them have ever got their pilots licence.

I asked for a tattoo of flames on from my wrist to my elbow but the artist didn’t have a fire arms certificate

If you like these Licence jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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