Cube Jokes

A friend just gave me a sugar cube as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.
A friend just gave me a sugar cube as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Cube Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I tried tickling some Oxo cubes and they became a laughing stock.

I was going to put ice cubes in my socks then I got cold feet.

Following a recipe, says I need: apples, five cubed. 125 sounds like a lot of apples for a pie…

Dropped some ice cubes in the kitchen. Soon they’ll just be water under the fridge.

It was so cold today that I licked an ice cube to warm me up.

I did set up an ice business but in the summer it went into liquidation.

Couldn’t think of any more cube jokes then I realised I was thinking inside the box.

I learned how to add ice cubes to desserts at sundae school.

I know H2O is the formula for water, just realised that for ice it’s H2O cubed.

bA friend just gave me a sugar cube as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.

If you like these cube jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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