Stage Jokes

When to a U2 gig and Bono fell off the stage. He was standing too close to The Edge.
When to a U2 gig and Bono fell off the stage. He was standing to close to The Edge.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Stage Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

One of the reason that people on stage are often good at making small talk is that they have microphones.

Local theatre director has lined the stage with Scrabble tiles so he can have a play on words.

Wondered how big the stage needs to be at the Download Festival. Apparently it depends on the bandwidth.

It’s so cold and foggy outside that I kept making mistakes when I tried to send text messages. I think that it’s the early stages of typothermia.

Tried doing stand up in a barn full of cows. Got mooed off the stage.

They saw “break a leg” when you go on stage because every play has a cast.

An actor I know kept falling through the floor in a play. I think it was just a stage he was going through.

A friend wants to give up being a postman to go on stage as an actor, but his delivery is awful.

Had a role in a play once as a ghost. Got booed off stage.

Friend of mine got sacked as a stage designer for not producing anything. He didn’t make a scene.

I wanted to be a stand up comedian but everyone laughed at me when I got on the stage.

When to a U2 gig and Bono fell off the stage. He was standing too close to The Edge.

Saw a play featuring a single tree on stage talking about its life. It was a mono-log.

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