Satellite Jokes

When a satellite falls to earth, do newspapers publish its orbituary?
When a satellite falls to earth, do newspapers publish its orbituary?

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Satellite Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

There aren’t many decent satellite jokes. Most go over your head.

What do you call a robot that changes the direction of a satellite? R2 Detour.

A satellite dish married an aerial. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent…

Was really disappointed to get a bill for fitting a satellite dish. The installer told me it was on the house.

Writing a book about satellite dishes and thinking about which font to use. Think I’ll go for Arial.

When a satellite falls to earth, do newspapers publish its orbituary?

Heard about some satellites that have stopped working but are still in orbit. That’s just a waste of space.

I went to a party on a satellite once. Wasn’t great, not much of an atmosphere.

I’m obsessed with satellites. They’re out of this world.

Two teams of engineers were arguing about who owned the rights to a space probe, but they decided to satellite out of court.

If you like these satellite jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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