Trifle Jokes

Got in to trouble when I was in the army when they found me with trifles, ice cream and cakes. They said I was a desserter.
Got in to trouble when I was in the army when they found me with trifles, ice cream and cakes. They said I was a desserter.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Trifle Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

In the local police station and saw an officer with three stripes eating a trifle. He was the custardy sergeant.

Drove to work yesterday, almost no one else out. I saw a truck carrying ice cream, then one with apple pie and then one with trifle. The roads were desserted.

Head about someone who got arrested for stealing trifles. He ended up in custardy.

What’s 300m tall and made of sponge, jelly and custard? The Trifle Tower.

Turned up at a fancy dress party as sponge, jelly, custard and cream half an hour before anyone else arrived. I was a trifle early.

Made a trifle with only one layer of sponge. At least it didn’t end in tiers.

Got in to trouble when I was in the army when they found me with trifles, ice cream and cakes. They said I was a desserter.

Found myself in a market selling custard, cream, sponge and fruit. It was a trifle bazaar.

I used to think a trifle was a gun with three barrels.

Someone shouted at me “hey! You look like a trifle, you treacle tart”. He was very unsavoury.

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