Thumb Jokes

Saw an architect dip his thumb in some navy coloured paint. Apparently he was trying to get a blueprint.
Saw an architect dip his thumb in some navy coloured paint. Apparently he was trying to get a blueprint.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Thumb Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I spotted a new website all about hitch hiking. It’s got the thumbs up.

I dislocated my thumb but two friends managed to reset it. It was a joint effort.

A carpenter friend told me that the nails he dislikes hitting most are thumbnails.

A website I used is changing its scoring from stars to thumbs and thumbs up down whether you like it or not.

My middle finger and thumb are arguing. They just snapped.

Saw a new programme where contestants have to move their fingers in time with music. Strictly Thumb Dancing.

Saw a guy leading a military marching band with two large digits. Turns out he was their thumb major.

Looking for ways to keep my thumbs warm in fingerless gloves. Any tips?

Saw an architect dip his thumb in some navy coloured paint. Apparently he was trying to get a blueprint.

What has four fingers and a thumb and isn’t your hand? My hand.

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