Flip Jokes

I used to wonder who flipped a vampire's pancakes. Turns out it's Count Spatula.
I used to wonder who flipped a vampire's pancakes. Turns out it's Count Spatula.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Flip Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I met a really angry pancake earlier. He just flipped.

A man with two left feet walks into a shoe shop and says, “Got any flip flips?”

How do penguins make a decision? Flipper coin.

My friend is normally good at remembering special occasions. He flipped when I reminded him it was pancake day.

Couldn’t decide to choose a career as a hairdresser or a novelist. I flipped a coin to decide heads or tales…

Was in a canoe that flipped over, and ended up wearing it as a hat. It was capsized.

I used to wonder who flipped a vampire’s pancakes. Turns out it’s Count Spatula.

Some coin flipping contests are fixed. Just a heads up.

Read a book about how to flip a light switch. It’s called “Process of Illumination”.

Luke Skywalker was rubbish at flipping pancakes. He refused to turn over to the dark side.

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