Panda Jokes

Heard a story about someone who crossed a panda with a harp, turned out to be a bear faced lyre.
Heard a story about someone who crossed a panda with a harp, turned out to be a bear faced lyre.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Panda Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

What’s black and red all over? A panda with measles.

What’s black and white, has eight wheels and goes fast? A panda on roller skates.

All these years of technological developments and I still haven’t seen a colour photo of a panda or a zebra.

To open a specialist animal park, you need at least a grizzly, a polar, a koala and a panda. That’s the bear minimum.

Heard a story about a flying black and white bear who refuse to grow up. Peter Panda.

What sort of socks to pandas wear? None, they have bear feet.

Heard a story about someone who crossed a panda with a harp, turned out to be a bear faced lyre.

Was heading off on holiday and spotted a koala, a panda and a grizzly on my flight. Turns out I’d got on a bear-o-plane.

Long story but I’m running late because I got handcuffed to a panda. Bear with me.

What do ghost pandas eat? Bamboooo!

If you like these panda jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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