This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Panda Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…
What’s black and red all over? A panda with measles.
What’s black and white, has eight wheels and goes fast? A panda on roller skates.
All these years of technological developments and I still haven’t seen a colour photo of a panda or a zebra.
To open a specialist animal park, you need at least a grizzly, a polar, a koala and a panda. That’s the bear minimum.
Heard a story about a flying black and white bear who refuse to grow up. Peter Panda.
What sort of socks to pandas wear? None, they have bear feet.
Heard a story about someone who crossed a panda with a harp, turned out to be a bear faced lyre.
Was heading off on holiday and spotted a koala, a panda and a grizzly on my flight. Turns out I’d got on a bear-o-plane.
Long story but I’m running late because I got handcuffed to a panda. Bear with me.
What do ghost pandas eat? Bamboooo!
If you like these panda jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.
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