Caterpillar Jokes

Went to investigate a rumour about a giant caterpillar in the city, when I got there it turned out to be an urban moth.
Went to investigate a rumour about a giant caterpillar in the city, when I got there it turned out to be an urban moth.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Caterpillar Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I was on the grass looking for caterpillar tracks. That’s when I got run over by a tank.

The caterpillar missed his opportunity to play in the football match because he was still putting his boots on.

How does a caterpillar get six feet in the air? It rolls on its back.

I ate a caterpillar once and ended up with butterflies in my stomach.

Where do you purcahse a baby butterfly? From a caterlog.

Went to investigate a rumour about a giant caterpillar in the city, when I got there it turned out to be an urban moth.

I told the doctor I thought I was a caterpillar, he told me not to worry, I’d soon change.

The caterpillar was told he was too young to go the dance. It was a moth ball.

Saw a butterfly resting on what looked like a tiny cushion. Turned out to be a caterpillow.

A caterpillar saw a butterfly and said “you’ve really changed”.

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