Coat Jokes

I saw a knight wearing a coat shaped like an octopus. Apparently it was his coat of arms.
I saw a knight wearing a coat shaped like an octopus. Apparently it was his coat of arms.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Coat Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

My local decorator has a tiny wardrobe. He only needs one coat.

Once went to a Prime Minister themed fancy dress party as Winston Churchill, complete with suit, coat and hat. Didn’t quite win. Close but no cigar.

Why do bears have fur coats? Because they’d look silly in suede jackets.

Bought my anorak in the south of France. It’s my Coat d’Azur.

A friend has a bizarre fear of spiders in raincoats. Anorakaphobia.

I saw a sign on shop door that said ‘Guide Dogs Welcome’. I walked in and was greeted by a Labrador who thanked me for shopping and took my coat.

I made a coat out of pancakes. It’s my flap jacket.

My favourite coat is falling apart so I’m going to have to get rid of it. Or sew its seams…

Saw someone whose coat hood kept leaping up and down with cash falling out of it. Apparently it’s his livelihood.

I saw a knight wearing a coat shaped like an octopus. Apparently it was his coat of arms.

If you like these coat jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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