Chilli Jokes

I made some tiny jackets for my jalapenos because they were a little chilli.
I made some tiny jackets for my jalapenos because they were a little chilli.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of chilli Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I was in the kitchen and knocked over all the mince, rice and spices. It was chilli con carnage.

How do you work out how heavy a chilli pepper is? Give it a weigh, give it a weigh, give it a weigh now.

Walked into a business meeting the other week, put a kebab on the desk and said “we really have to think about strategy”. One of my colleagues asked “what’s with the kebab?” I said “salad and a little chilli sauce”.

Was using the microwave and it said on the instructions “stir and re-cover”. How exhausting do they think stirring some chilli is that I need to recover?

John Travolta’s pepper farm business is going well. He’s got chillis, they’re multiplying.

Heard my chillis are delayed but on their way. Pepper late than never.

I made some tiny jackets for my jalapenos because they were a little chilli.

When making a chilli, always put the bay leaf on top of the jalapenos, not other way round. A good chilli doesn’t rest on its laurels.

What did the chilli say to the bell pepper? “You’re so sweet!”

What do you call some chillis with cameras? The pepperazzi.

If you like these chilli jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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