Sparkling Jokes

Asked a soldier why he was running away with a bottle of sparkling wine, apparently he was told to take cava.
Asked a soldier why he was running away with a bottle of sparkling wine, apparently he was told to take cava.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Sparkling Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I lay back, looked at the sparkling stars, and thought “someone has stolen my tent”.

Forgot to put the lid back on my sparkling bottle last night. Checked this morning, though, and it’s still water.

I like to sample champagne and other sparkling wines on a case by case basis.

Tried to tell the doctor I’d hurt my hand opening French sparkling wine, he told me it was a sham pain.

Found it odd that I could see the road in front of me sparkling until I realised I was on a jewel carriageway.

Someone knocked me over with a bottle of sparkling wine. They were using Brut force.

Asked a soldier why he was running away with a bottle of sparkling wine, apparently he was told to take cava.

Some people don’t like sparkling water. It’s an aquaired taste.

I asked for some sparkling white wine as the somalier looked at me blancly.

A man walks into a library and asks for a bottle of sparkling water. The librarian says “this is a library!”. The man whispers “sorry, a bottle of sparkling water, please”.

If you like these sparkling jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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