Packet Jokes

A friend just gave me a packet of sugar as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.
A friend just gave me a packet of sugar as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Packet Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I was so tired this morning that after half an hour trying to do a jigsaw of a tiger, I realised it was actually a packet of Frosties.

Standing in the supermarket, I wasn’t sure which packet of pasta to buy. Then the penne dropped.

Created a totally new flavour of crisp. If it’s successful, I’ll make a packet.

I’ve got an old packet of coffee grounds that I keep for sedimental reasons.

I love digestives. Sometimes I’ll skip lunch and just eat a packet of them. That’s why they are called whole meal.

Found a penne in my packet of spaghetti. It was an impasta.

A friend just gave me a packet of sugar as a gift. I thought it was very sweet.

The label on one of my packets of herbs says “goes well with beef, pork and duck”. That’s sage advice.

Tried to buy a packet of paper from the local shop and they sold me cardboard instead. I’m going to write them a stiff letter.

Asked a frog how to open a packet of crisps. He said, “rip it”.

If you like these packet jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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