Origami Jokes

Local origami shop is getting busier and busier. They told me their business is in creasing.
Local origami shop is getting busier and busier. They told me their business is in creasing.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Origami Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Flicking through the channels, I spotted the World Origami Championships, but it was paper view.

A friend stopped his origami classes because there was too much paperwork.

Joined the National Origami Society, just got the first invoice. I don’t know what to make of it.

I’ve given up trying to do origami with low quality, thin paper. It’s tearable.

Always hard to play poker with origami enthuasiasts. They keep folding.

I didn’t want to fail my origami exam, it’s just how things unfolded.

Local origami shop is getting busier and busier. They told me their business is in creasing.

Friend of mine won the Phillipines National Origami championship. He’s a Manila folder.

I used origami to make a belt. Turned out to be a waist of paper.

Spent ages watching someone do origami with blotting paper. It’s really absorbing.

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