Fizzy Jokes

A friend of mine works out how to make drinks more bubbly. He's a fizzicist.
A friend of mine works out how to make drinks more bubbly. He's a fizzicist.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Fizzy Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

What is orange and fizzy and comes down the chimney at Christmas? Fanta Claus

A friend of mine used to iron fizzy drinks. It was soda pressing.

What is a frog’s favourite fizzy drink? Croaka cola.

Went on a tour of the local fizzy drink factory. Afterwards, they gave us a pop quiz.

Couldn’t remember the name of my favourite fizzy sweets as a kid so I’ve gone on a Refresher course.

Fell in love with someone who bought me a fizzy drink. They schwepped me off my feet.

Someone threw a can of fizzy pop at me. Luckily it was a soft drink.

A horse walks into a bar and asks for a fizzy drink. The bar tender says “straw?”. The horse says “yes, lots of it please”.

I went to the shop to buy six cans of fizzy drinks, when I got home I realised I’d picked 7-up.

Orange fizzy drinks are so much better when you put a piece of cinnamon into them. Fanta stick.

I was in a band called Fizzy Tablet but we dissolved quickly.

Ended up in a job rating fizzy drinks. It’s soda grading.

What does a judge put in his fizzy drink? Just ice.

A friend of mine works out how to make drinks more bubbly. He’s a fizzicist.

If you like these Fizzy jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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