Wardrobe Jokes

s one door closes, another one opens. Wish I'd paid more attention to the assembly instructions for this wardrobe.
s one door closes, another one opens. Wish I'd paid more attention to the assembly instructions for this wardrobe.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Wardrobe Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Read a book about a fictional character laundering their clothes and putting them away. The Iron, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Went into my bedroom the other day and saw that the curtains were drawn, but the bed and the wardrobe were real.

I always get frustrated trying to put my trousers in the wardrobe. Think I have hanger management issues.

Just found a load of graph paper hidden in my friend’s wardrobe. I think he’s plotting something.

Someone asked me why I keep sitting at the back of my wardrobe and reading a book. I said that’s Narnia business.

Heard about a nun with a wardrobe malfunction. Turns out she had a bad habit.

My local decorator has a tiny wardrobe. He only needs one coat.

One Christmas, I got a bat and ball. Had to wear a dinner suit to the ball and the bat just hung upside down in the wardrobe.

I set up a business selling the contents of wardrobes for clients but it didn’t work. Turns out I had no sense of shelf worth.

As one door closes, another one opens. Wish I’d paid more attention to the assembly instructions for this wardrobe.

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