Duvet Jokes

I accused someone of being like a duvet, but it turned out they were not quilty.
I accused someone of being like a duvet, but it turned out they were not quilty.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Duvet Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

A friend was in a group called Blankets and Duvets. They were a covers band.

My friend told me that I’m obsessed with blankets and duvets. Apparently I’m just too wrapped up in them.

I was having a snooze the other day and someone grabbed the duvet off me. Don’t worry, I recovered.

Sometimes when I work from home, I stay wrapped up in a duvet all day. I like to describe it as working undercover.

A friend of mine told me duvets are better than quilts. I told them not to make blanket statements.

Asked what variety of duvet I should buy, shop assistant said “get down”, so I dived on the floor.

I accused someone of being like a duvet, but it turned out they were not quilty.

Went into my bedroom the other day and saw that the curtains were drawn, but the bed and the duvet were real.

I was planning to stick the bottom of my legs out from under the duvet but I got cold feet.

Didn’t want anyone to see me playing with my train set so I threw my duvet over it. Think I managed to cover my tracks.

If you like these duvet jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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