Trophy Jokes

I held my trophy a loft

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Trophy Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…


I won first prize in the National Punctuation Society raffle. They gave me a posh trophy.

Won all the trophies at the Janitor Association Awards. It was a clean sweep.

A friend won Dentist of the Year but didn’t get a trophy, just a little plaque.

Won the Attic of the Year award, I held my trophy: a loft.

I won a trophy from National Skeptics Association. I can’t believe it.

I won a trophy from the National Secrecy Society. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.

Disaster when someone secretly entered their feline in the local dog show and it won first prize. Cat has trophy…

A friend has a trophy for being the “best thief”. Although he didn’t actually win the competition…

Friend of mine came fourth in the National Weather Forecaster awards. They got a trophy for precipitation.

Somebody stole my Limbo trophy. How low can you go?


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