More Cow Jokes

Two cows in a field in Scotland. Which one is on holiday? The one with the wee calf.
Two cows in a field in Scotland. Which one is on holiday? The one with the wee calf.

Last week’s topic for one-liners and puns was Tractors, based on how much my son likes them. Following on the same theme, here are some more cow jokes – last collection here. As normal, don’t expect them to be either too funny or too original. In fact, these are mainly very old and worthy of raising a groan.



Of course, some cow jokes are better than udders…


Two cows in a field in Scotland. Which one is on holiday? The one with the wee calf.


What do you call a cow who’s just given birth? Decalfinated.


How do you stop a bull from charging? Take away his credit card.


What’s got one horn and gives milk? A milk float.


Two cows in a field. One says “Moo”. The other says, “I was going to say that”.


What sort of cow helps with the gardening? A lawnmoo-er.


One cow says to another, “How do you shoo flies?” The other replies, “I let them go barefoot”


How did the farmer find his missing cow? He tractor down.


What’s a cow’s favourite sci fi TV programme? Dr Moo.



Last week’s tractor jokes are here.

If you like these More Cow Jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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