The UK finds itself in he wonderful position of hosting he world’s third biggest summer games at the moment, after hosting the second biggest – The WPFG – in Belfast in 2013, and of course, the biggest – The London Olympics – in 2012. So, in their honour, here are some Commonwealth Games jokes. Unlike… Continue reading Commonwealth Games Jokes
Month: July 2014
Tree Jokes
It’s Friday, so time for some one liners. Today, it’s the turn of tree jokes. I’m tempted to branch out to some puns,but maybe I should leaf it as it is…. As normal, these come with no guarantee of funniness or originality. How does a tree get on the Internet? It logs in.… Continue reading Tree Jokes
Football Jokes
This weekend sees the World Cup final, so it seems a good opportunity to have a few football jokes. Most seem to be about a specific team or player, but I thought I would stay neutral and just go for the silly… As normal, they come with no guarantee of funniness or originality… If you’re… Continue reading Football Jokes
Tennis Jokes
I may be at Silverstone for the British Grand Prix this weekend – how exciting! – but there is another sporting event on in the UK which is likely to get just a little bit of attention, so with Wimbledon reaching its climax, this week’s collection of one-liners and puns is in the form of… Continue reading Tennis Jokes