Encyclopedia Jokes

A friend was arrested for stealing a copy of an encyclopedia. He told the police that he could explain everything.
A friend was arrested for stealing a copy of an encyclopedia. He told the police that he could explain everything.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Encyclopedia Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Where’s the best place to find out about chickens? In a hencyclopedia.

I put my encyclopedia in the fridge to get some cold hard facts.

I love the audio version of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It speaks volumes to me.

Spotted that a friend of mine has a series of encyclopedias. That explains a lot.

Heard about a member of a religous order who spends her time studying an encyclopedia. Nun the Wiser.

Read an encyclopedia once. Not a great story but it explains itself well as it goes along.

I’m so bad at social interaction that I bought a book called How to Hug. Turns out it was a volume of an encyclopedia.

A friend was arrested for stealing a copy of an encyclopedia. He told the police that he could explain everything.

Paid a fortune for an incomplete bird encyclopedia. No egrets.

I asked for a copy of the Encyclopedia of Noise Levels. Chap asked me which volume I would like.

If you like these encyclopedia jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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