Dalek Jokes

Which Dalek tried to get rid of James Bond? Skaromanga
Which Dalek tried to get rid of James Bond? Skaromanga

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Dalek Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Called the local council to ask about their plans to prevent Dalek attack. They said steps had been put in place.

A dalek was on the Great Skaro Bake Off and was asked how many eggs were in the recipe and how he prepared them. “EGGS, STIR, MIN EIGHT!”

What does Doctor Who eat with his pizza? Dalek bread.

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, why don’t Daleks hide in orchards?

I bought a dalek egg timer recently. After three minutes, it shouts “Eggs Terminate!”

What do Daleks put on their eye stalks? Ma-Skaro

What goes up and down, up and down, shouting “Exterminate!”? A Dalek in a lift.

Which Dalek tried to get rid of James Bond? Skaromanga

Why didn’t the Dalek accept the job working nights? There wasn’t a temporal shift available.

Who is the Dalek’s nemesis? Subjectively, it’s Dr Who. Objectively, it’s Dr Whom.

If you like these Dalek jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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