Sloth Jokes

Id tell you a joke about a sloth crossing the road but it would take too long
Id tell you a joke about a sloth crossing the road but it would take too long

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Sloth Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

I watched a gif of a sloth for three minutes yesterday before I realised it was an image.

A scientist has managed to cross a sloth and a human. He’s calling it a slo-mo-sapien.

Why don’t sloths wear socks? They always have bear feet.

Sloths are terrible story tellers. They’ve only got one tail.

I’d tell you a joke about a sloth crossing the road but it would take too long.

The police interviewed a sloth who was mugged by some tortoises. He said, “it all happened so quickly”.

My plan to explore the seven deadly sins starting with sloth fell apart when I couldn’t be bothered.

I called the national sloth helpline. They told me to call back later.

Spoke to a creature who have very deep reasons why the best thing to do was nothing. Very philoslothical.

What moves really slowly and goes “moo”? A sloth learning a new language.


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