Multiple Choice Jokes

Help me decide if I should set up a Victor Meldrew account on Twitter: a) Don’t b) Leave It
Help me decide if I should set up a Victor Meldrew account on Twitter: a) Don’t b) Leave It

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Multiple Choice Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…

Help me decide if I should set up a Victor Meldrew account on Twitter:
a) Don’t
b) Leave It

Really like someone but they just don’t know how to do multiple choice tests. They tick all the boxes.

Which Icelandic Singer shares their name with a British city?
a) Glasgow
b) York
c) Cardiff

Who had a big hit with Take On Me?
a) Ha
b) Gees
c) Horses

There are two secrets to success in life:

  1. Don’t tell them everything you know.

  1. Scooby
  2. Yabba Dabba
  • My 2 Doo list.

Where are you most likely to find fish?

A = Absinthe
B = Beer
C = Cider
D = Daiquiri
That’s from my bar code.

Which 80s band sang:
a) The Look of Love
b) Poison arrow
c) All of My Heart

Which historical period shares a name with a Michael Jackson song?

If you like these Multiple Choice jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

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