This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Lego Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…
A lorry load of Lego bricks has overturned on the motorway. Police say they don’t know what to make of it.
I’ve invented a boot made entirely out of Lego. When you stand on it, it doesn’t hurt, you just get a little taller.
There’s a big Lego sale on. People are lined up for blocks.
I’m trying to make a Lego statue of Bonnie Tyler, but every now and then it falls apart.
I saw a series of islands made from plastic bricks. It’s an archipe-Lego.
I saw a snake building things with Lego. Think he was a boa constructor.
I’ve still got lots of my old toys from childhood. I’ll never Lego of them.
Really proud of myself. The Lego box said “8 years +” on it. I managed to do it in a few weeks.
Of course we don’t refer to them as Lego Doctors. We call them Plastic Surgeons.
Been trying to think up another Lego joke but the pieces just won’t fit together.
If you like these Lego jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.
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