Tyre Jokes

Went to a restaurant recently who served me a tyre souffle. They have a Michelin star.
Went to a restaurant recently who served me a tyre souffle. They have a Michelin star.

This week’s puns and one liners take the form of Tyre Jokes. As always, they come with no guarantee of hilarity or originality…


Bought a tyre for my car last year for £120. Cost £180 today. That’s inflation for you.


I left by bike beside a wall the other day, and it fell over. It was two tyred.


A friend was struggling with a flat tyre. I said “don’t worry, no pressure”.


Got a puncture in my tyre the other day. Think it was at the fork in the road.


Someone keeps steeling the wheels from cars around here. Police are looking tyrelessly for him.


I designed square tyres for my car and tried to push it down a hill. It didn’t go down well.


I saw an opera about a rodent that goes round letting the air out of tyres. Deflator Mouse.


I reminisce about the times when we used to roll down hills in tyres. Those were good years.


Went to a car boot sale. I got a spare tyre and a travel rug.


Went to a restaurant recently who served me a tyre souffle. They have a Michelin star.


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1 comment

  1. Have you heard about these awesome new tyres that come with a lifetime guarantee against getting punctures?

    They’re hard case ??

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