Egg Jokes

A chicken and an egg walk into a bar.  The barman says, "Who's first?"
A chicken and an egg walk into a bar.  The barman says, "Who's first?"

It’s Easter this weekend, so it seems as a good a time as any to have some egg jokes. Now, eggs give plenty of opportunities for puns, so this could be a long list… The only things missing are probably hilarity and originality…



Where’s the best place to find out about eggs? In a hencyclopedia.


What’s an egg’s least favourite day? Fryday.


What do you call a travelling egg? An Eggsplorer.


How do chickens leave the motorway? They take the eggs-it.


I’ve decided to put all my eggs in one basket so I don’t look daft walking around the supermarket.


Great Eggspectations. A classic novel by Charles Chickens.


Why did the chicken sit on an axe? She wanted to hatchet.


What is a chicken racing driver’s favourite part of the car? The Eggs-celerator.


A chicken and an egg walk into a bar.  The barman says, “Who’s first?”


I bought a dalek egg timer.  After three minutes, it shouts “Eggs Terminate”…


What does a space chicken lay? Eggstra-Terrestrials.


What do you call a chicken in a shell suit?  An egg.


Why does a French man normally only have a single egg for breakfast?  Because one egg is an oeuf.


Spent hours questioning an egg.  Think it’s about to crack.


I saw the world’s largest egg this week.  That will take some beating.


You can’t beat an egg based dessert.  Am I right, or a meringue?


I was going to go to a fancy dress party as an Easter Egg.  Foiled again.



Last week’s traffic jokes are here.

If you like these egg jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.

And you can have a joke like these delivered on the hour, every hour now by following us on Twitter or liking us on Facebook.


  1. Thanks for the egg-cellent blog post! I find your writing to be truly egg-citing. Here are some egg puns to show my appreciation:

    I was going to tell you a joke about an egg but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

    How do eggs stay healthy? They always have an “egg-ercise” routine!

    Have you heard the latest gossip? It’s been whisked up in the scramble and has everyone walking on eggshells!

    This one’s a bit scrambled: Why don’t eggs go out on hot summer days? They could fry!

    And finally, what day do eggs hate the most? Fry-day.

    Keep the fantastic content coming! I’m eggs-pecting more great reads in the future. Until then, let’s keep the yolks going!

  2. I told an egg a joke, but it didn’t crack up.

    I’m on an egg-citing diet. I see eggs, I eat them!

    If you drop an egg on concrete, it’s no yolk.

    Eggs might not be good at jokes, but they’re excellent at egg-secutions.

    I’m trying to come up with an egg pun, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

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